60-year bodybuilding champion Lee Labrada teaches you how to be your best at any age. It all starts with your mindset!
Let’s go over some reasons why “we don’t.” In other words, reasons why we don’t do the things that we should, and instead, put them off.
Taking charge and responsibility for your outcomes can be simply motivating. Read on to get your RESPONSE Started.
How Getting more Engaged and Focused on your Workouts can Improve the Quality of your Experience.
The perfect time to start is NOW. Learn to overcome the paralysis of perfectionism to reach your goals.
We all face challenges in life. Sometimes we can’t control the challenges we are given; but we can always control our response. How we respo
Developing a positive mindset can increase your results
I recently read Simon Sinek’s excellent book, Start with Why. Even though the book was written as a business book, there is a great personal le
Sticking to a game plan, but staying flexible is the key.