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I have a box of old family pictures sitting in my garage. It’s been sitting there for two months, waiting for me to sort through them. Every day when I step into my home gym, I walk by the box.
I’ve now realized that there are times that I don’t even notice it. It would be easier for me to just sit down and sort through them all. I might even find it enjoyable, and I can only wonder…
Why is it that I procrastinate?
If you’re like me, you may have things that you procrastinate about also. Like workouts and eating right.
Why do some people put off going to the gym, and getting into shape? Or starting a more nutritionally sound diet, so they can lose weight?
Let’s go over some reasons why “we don’t.” In other words, reasons why we don’t do the things that we should, and instead, put them off. I’m also going to add a counterpoint at the end of each one. Something to think about, or something simple you can try…
1. Fear of failure – We are afraid to try something new because we might not be good at it, or we might be ridiculed if we fail. But if you never try, then you can never succeed. Why not take a small step and see what happens? Just dip your toe in the water…start that program today.
2. You just don’t feel like it– Life is too good and too easy just the way it is. You’ve learned to settle, and you fill in your needs with distractions and “entertainment.” And all of that makes you feel like you’re not accomplishing anything. Push your boundaries a little. Try something new. If you just settle for second best, you’re never going to fully enjoy your life! Get off the couch and go get a workout.
3. Negative self talk-you’ve convinced yourself that “you can’t” because you’re not smart enough, or strong enough or whatever-enough. Try changing the channel in your head. At the first sign of negative self-talk switch to positive self-talk. Start telling yourself that you can. Tell yourself that you’re going to succeed. Write down one thing you’re going to do today, and then do it.
4. I don’t have time– This one really means that you won’t MAKE time. You can claw back time from activities such as watching TV, or surfing on social media. Take 30 minutes from one of these activities and invest it in something productive… like a workout.
5. I don’t know how to do it– What you really mean is “I don’t want to learn how to do it.” Here’s a simple thing to do… Do a Google search on the activity and read one article on it. Now, put it into action. See how you feel about it afterwards?
Next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself why you “don’t”? Then take action, no matter how small. Step out and do something that will get you one step closer to your goal. You’ll be glad you did!
Yours in health,
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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice, nor is it to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your physician before starting or changing your diet or exercise program. Any use of this information is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the user.