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When I’m feeding my muscles, I need to keep my diet clean. But that doesn’t mean my meals have to be bland. Here are a few quick meal-preps that I like to do. They fill me up, provide me with the macros I need to achieve my goals, and they taste really good.
When it comes to meat selections, don’t be fooled by marketing tricks written on the label. Words like “lean” or “94% fat-free” can be misleading. Always look at the nutrition facts panel. Read what the calories from fat are to get a better idea of what the actual fat content is.

• 2lbs 99/1 ground turkey
• 2lbs 96/4 ground beef
• 4 whole eggs
• 1 cup diced white onion
• 1/4 cup ketchup
• 3 Tbs spicy mustard
• 2 Lipton beefy onion soup mix
1) Mix all ingredients together into a large bowl
2) Line a pan with foil and coat with non-stick cooking spray
2) Spread mixture onto baking sheet and cover it with the foil
3) Bake at 320° for 50 minutes
4) Let it cool – enjoy!

• 4lbs 99/1 turkey
• 4 whole eggs
• 1 cup fat-free Ranch Dressing
• 1 large container of “creole mix” from HEB
• 1 cup panko breadcrumbs
• Garlic salt
• Italian Seasoning
1) Mix all ingredients together into a large bowl
2) Make patties about the size of your palm
3) Apply cooking spray to skillet
4) Place patties into pre-warmed skillet
5) Cook on medium-high heat until top of patty is white
6) Flip and continue cooking until well-done
When you’re buying potatoes, make sure you get them all as close to the same size as you can. This ensures that they will all cook evenly, and you won’t be stuck with some that are over-cooked or under-cooked.

• 1lb Red potatoes
• Crab Boil Seasoning (to taste)
1) Thoroughly wash potatoes
2) Bring large pot of water to boil
3) Add crab-boil seasoning to water
4) Add potatoes to water
5) Boil potatoes for about 30 minutes, or until you can easily put a fork through a potato

• 1lb sweet potatoes
1) Thoroughly wash sweet potatoes
2) Line a pan with foil and coat with non-stick cooking spray
3) Bake at 320° for about an hour, or until you can put a knife through the center of the largest sweet potato easily
4) Remove from oven and let cool – Enjoy!
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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice, nor is it to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your physician before starting or changing your diet or exercise program. Any use of this information is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the user.