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Have you ever wondered how some people lose all the weight they want, while others try again and again, but just give up?
What’s going on in their minds? What mindset makes some successful, while others fail?
It’s been my experience that people who remain motivated over the long haul see things differently than those people who lose motivation. The successful ones never see the dieting, exercise and things they have to do to get into shape as WORK.
They just see the food preparation and training in the gym as essential to getting where they want to go. It doesn’t bother them, and they never see it as work. They actually enjoy it.
How is that possible?
When you’re motivated, your brain gets fixated on all of the great things you’ll enjoy, the BENEFITS, by investing your time and efforts. Your focus stays on positive outcomes, like “I’m going to look great in my bathing suit” or “I’m going to get healthier.”
On the other hand, people who lose motivation do so because they feel overwhelmed and stressed-out overseeing their time and efforts as work. They associate the dieting and exercise with drudgery, and just not being worth the effort.
These are the same people that go home after work, kick off their shoes, and become couch potatoes, watching TV and snacking on junk food.
For the lucky ones, the pain of not being in shape becomes too great. At that point, they make the commitment to get off the couch and do something about their condition.
On the other hand…people who stay motivated stop at the gym after work, instead of sitting in front of the TV. They don’t focus on what they have to give up in order to reach their goals. Instead, they stay focused over the long term on what they are receiving, not what they are having to give up. They don’t think about missing parties or going out to bars with friends. Instead, they focus on all of the positive benefits that they are getting from their investment of time and effort.
This week, examine your eating and exercise habits carefully. Make a list of all of the wonderful benefits that you get from eating and exercising on a regular basis. Keep this list handy, and remind yourself about these positive benefits that you are enjoying especially at meal times and right before your workout.
By reinforcing these benefits, it will help you to keep a positive mindset and help you stay motivated for the long term.
Yours for a Healthy Lean Body,
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Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice, nor is it to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult your physician before starting or changing your diet or exercise program. Any use of this information is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the user.