You see your friends on social media at the gym, looking proud and fit after a great workout. You wish it could be you, but the intimidation of the gym is too overwhelming. Check out these 8 ways to overcome these fears.
While it’s only natural to want to weigh less, scale weight isn’t the best indicator of fitness level. In fact, forget the scale for a minute, and you’ll probably realize you’ve made improvements!
We diet to look good, exercise to look sexy, and lift weights to look sculpted. We may hit the gym for our looks but here are five more reasons to keep in mind.
Moms out there know there’s nothing better than having a little Mini Me (or two, or three…) to care for. The love that you feel for your kids just can’t be described. But let’s face it; sometimes it can be exhausting! When busy-mom fatigue sets in, here are a few ways to feel like a fully functioning human being again:
People often use the excuse of ‘age’ as being the reason they’re out of shape. While age is a contributing factor, we just have to work harder and make adaptations if we have any limiting factors. Read on for some tips straight from a prime example.
If you want to gain the most benefit from your workouts, find out how to embrace your emotions to get on the fast track to reach your health and fitness goals.
Since it’s the time of year when we start our get-in-shape programs, here are 10 Fast, Fat Burning Tips that you can use today to start melting away that unwanted holiday body fat! Time to rev up your engine and get lean.
Your poor, unsuspecting fridge. One minute it’s just sitting there, doing its thing, and the next it’s being completely ransacked by a crazed woman on a mission – aka, YOU.
The year is passing us at lightning speed, and now it’s time to see how 2019 is playing out in the world of wellness. From minding your mental health to hitting it hard in the gym, it’s all about full-body fitness. Read on.