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It would seem that there is no meal more talked about than breakfast. So, what is all the fuss about breakfast? Why is it a big deal? What makes it the “most important meal of the day”? If you’re taking a good hard look at your routine and are examining what areas in your life might need some adjusting, make sure to put breakfast on that list.
Breakfast is a big deal – so let’s start with why so many people miss this crucial first meal in the first place.

1. Too busy: We get up late, focused on running errands, taking care of kids, heading to work, etc…
2. Not hungry: Nothing sounds good, nothing ready to eat, just want coffee.
3. Stress: So focused on what needs to be done, and emotionally overwhelmed.
4. Don’t know what to eat: Not sure what to make, not sure what to buy, what ingredients do I need for the week?

1. Poor performance: Those who skip meals often accomplish less. They are physically less steady, and are slower at making decisions.
2. Brain Drain: Glucose is the brains exclusive fuel and it is dramatically compromised if you have not eaten within 4-6 hours. Glucose is stored in the liver and when glucose dips too low the body begins to turn to less efficient fueling methods which can feel like brain fog. After fasting all night your body needs glucose to function properly.
3. Calorie Loading: Eating just one big meal a day can work as far as overall calorie intake, but that is not taking in the whole picture of what your body needs. Eating all of your calories at one time is the same as plugging in all of your appliances into one electrical outlet. Rather than getting all of your calories for the day in one sitting it is best to spread them out throughout the day to not overload the body.

1. Breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that lead to increased concentration. It also helps increased memory, increased attentiveness, increased metal clarity, and increased productivity.
2. Breakfast can be helpful in managing a healthy body weight. Individuals who do not eat breakfast tend to snack more and are more likely to reach for a sugary, high fat foods.
3. Breakfast helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
4. One possible reason for weight gain in non-breakfast eaters may be due to the prolonged fasting state your body enters if you go too long without eating. When you finally do eat, the body stores food as fat as a survival mechanism.

. Get up a few minutes earlier. Just like the oxygen masks on an airplane, fix yourself breakfast first. This will give you the energy to help others in your family get what they need as well.
2. Plan ahead. Prepare 2-3 options that you can grab on the go that are healthy and easy to take along.
3. Just do it. Sometimes we don’t like having to stop for gas, but we do it because if we don’t we will be stuck on the side of the road. If you don’t feel like eating first thing in the morning, set a timer for one hour later. Make sure to get something healthy, even if it is small, into your body to give it the fuel it needs for the day.

4. Examine and Replace. Take an honest look at what you are eating and see if it is the best option for fuel. If not, replace it with something that is. Sometimes the difference between eating an unhealthy or healthy breakfast is simply a matter of switching out an item or two.
• Ideal time to eat breakfast: Within an hour of waking.
• What should I eat?
Put simply: Choose high fiber and/or high protein foods. Easy breakfast meals like:
1. Egg white omelet-cut up vegetables ahead of time to shorten the cooking process in the morning.
2. Oatmeal
3. Breakfast burrito with whole grain tortilla
4. Greek yogurt with granola and berries
5. Homemade whole grain waffle with peanut butter and berries
6. Oatmeal pancakes
7. Sunrise sandwich-whole grain English muffin with egg, turkey and guacamole
8. Protein bar
9. Protein shake
10.Whole grain toast with peanut butter and a few almonds
Never ever – EVER – skip breakfast. It’s what helps get you going!
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